Grading Suite // Eleven VFX Studio

Response rating: Excellent

Response: Within an hour

Grading Suite // Eleven VFX Studio Bahrenfelder Str. 19, 22765 Hamburg, Deutschland Rentals Review

Welcome to the Grading Suite // Eleven VFX Studio located at Bahrenfelder Str. 19, 22765 Hamburg, Deutschland! This state-of-the-art studio is not just a workspace, but a hub of creativity and innovation nestled in Hamburg's vibrant district of Ottensen. Whether you're a filmmaker, editor, or VFX artist, this space is designed to meet your professional needs and help you bring your projects to life with ease and sophistication.

Pros and Cons - Grading Suite // Eleven VFX Studio Bahrenfelder Str. 19, 22765 Hamburg, Deutschland


  • Top-Notch Equipment: The studio is equipped with Mac Pro or Windows Workstations, dual Eizo 24" preview monitors, a 52" client monitor, sound mixer, and monitor speakers. This high-end equipment ensures a seamless and efficient workflow.
  • Software Suite: The studio offers an extensive range of software including Adobe Premiere CC, After Effects CC, Avid Media Composer, Davinci Resolve, Plural Eyes, and easyDCP, catering to various editing and VFX needs.
  • Customizable Services: You can request a cutter, colorist, motion graphics artist, music, and stock photo & video research. Catering services are also available on request.
  • Location: Situated in the heart of Hamburg, the studio is easily accessible and surrounded by a vibrant community, making it a convenient spot for both local and out-of-town professionals.


  • Premium Pricing: The hourly rate of EUR 450 and daily rate of EUR 4500 may not be affordable for smaller projects or individuals with a limited budget.
  • Limited to Professionals: The advanced equipment and software may be overwhelming for beginners and may cater more to professionals with specific technical skills.

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Review Grading Suite // Eleven VFX Studio Bahrenfelder Str. 19, 22765 Hamburg, Deutschland

The Grading Suite // Eleven VFX Studio is perfectly suited for professionals in the film and digital media industries. It offers top-of-the-line amenities that enhance productivity and creativity. The studio's location in Hamburg adds to its appeal, providing a dynamic environment filled with artistic inspiration.

  • Suitability: Ideal for post-production processes, VFX work, and professional editing.
  • Amenities: High-end workstations, comprehensive software suite, and customizable services including catering and specialized staff.
  • Location: Centrally located in Hamburg, with easy access to local amenities and transport.
  • Price: Hourly rate - EUR 45; Daily rate - EUR 4500. The pricing reflects the premium nature of the facilities and services offered.
  • Overall Appeal: The studio's modern features and strategic location make it a highly desirable option for industry professionals looking to enhance their projects.

Ideal Renters Grading Suite // Eleven VFX Studio Bahrenfelder Str. 19, 22765 Hamburg, Deutschland

The ideal renters for this space are:

  1. Film and TV Editors: The advanced editing software and high-quality monitors make it ideal for editing complex film and TV projects.
  2. VFX Artists: Offering industry-standard tools and workstations, this studio is perfect for those working on visual effects in cinema or gaming.
  3. Advertising Agencies: The customizable services and professional environment are well-suited for ad agencies needing to produce high-quality digital content.
  4. Freelance Creatives: Those needing a professional space to collaborate and deliver top-tier projects will find this studio meets their needs exceptionally.


Hello Grading Suite // Eleven VFX Studio!

We are excited to showcase your exceptional facility on our platform. Your commitment to providing a high-quality, professional environment is evident, and we look forward to connecting you with professionals looking for a premier post-production space in Hamburg.

Have questions?

Need more information or want to book this extraordinary space? Contact the hosts directly ' to receive personalized assistance and ensure all your event needs are met.

Original Host Message:

Kontorhaus Hamburg - Grading Suite // Eleven VFX Studio
Charmante Redaktionssuite in Ottensen.


  • Mac Pro oder Windows Workstation (nach Absprache)
  • 2x Vorschau-Monitor Eizo 24"
  • 1x Kunden-Monitor 52"
  • Tonmischer
  • 2x Monitor-Lautsprecher
  • Software: Adobe Premiere CC (verschiedene Versionen), komplette After CC Suite, Avid Media Composer, Davinci Resolve, Plural Eyes, easyDCP


  • Catering: auf Anfrage
  • Cutter: auf Anfrage
  • Colorist: auf Anfrage
  • Motion Graphics Artist: auf Anfrage
  • Musik, Stock Foto&Video Recherche: auf Anfrage
Free Extras:: Flipchart: 27€ Beamer & Leinwand Fernsehbildschirm: 40€ Musikanlage: 25€
Floor Space (m2): 22
Capacity: 2 Personen
Public Parking:
Phone: 040855099007

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